Friday, November 5, 2010

Change in Appearance

Have you ever been sick of your appearance? Just this last week i've just felt a desire to get a haircut or new clothes or something. I just felt sick of myself.I wanted a change. Well I got my wish...
So last night i was sitting in my apt. when my friend stopped by. For the next twenty min he tried to talk me into coming with some people in the ward to play broomstick hockey at seven peaks. Apparehently every thursday Seven Peaks lets people play broomstick hockey with shoes, instead of skates, on their ice rink. Well after a lot of unexplanable hesitation i decided to go. We got there and were handed metal sticks with plastic ends shaped like brooms. We started playing and it was hilarious. Everyone was slipping all over the place.
Well i went to go for the ball and the opposing kid decided to whack his stick in an upward motion. The metal part of his stick totally nailed my eye. He stopped and sid, "I am so so sorry, are you OK?" I, trying to keep the peace, replied, "oh you're totally cool. It's fine." so he left and kept playing. I sat there dazed for a minute, then touched the bone above my eye. I COULD FEEL IT GROWING! It was seriously huge! I started laughing super hard. My friends, Christie and Spencer accompanied me off the rink and after filling out some paperwork and cleaning up the blood i was advised to get it checked out by a doc. We went to Insta-care near riverwoods and to my relief the doctor confirmed that i have no internal bleeding or fractures. Count my blessings I guess!

This was taken about 2 hours after it happened. The swelling was about 3 times as big when it first happened. By this time it had gone down a bit.

This was taken at four in the morning when i woke up to discover it wasn't a dream.

This was taken today around noon.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossing My Fingers

For one of my classes we had to draw a stuffed animal from the inside the Bean Museum here in provo. I loved this project because I'd be drawing and out of the corner of my eye I'd see a pair of shoes. So I'd look up and meet eyes of some wide eyed little kid who would say something like, "Woa, that's cool!" or an admiring Dad who'd ask if he could show his little kid my drawing. One girl asked me how I got so good at drawing. When i told her it just took a lot of practice she got frusterated and mumbled, "Everything takes practice!" It made me realize that ,yeah, if I ever want to get good at anything I have to be willing to put forth the time.
I've been getting my portfolio ready to apply for the art program here at BYU and more than ever i realized, among so many talented artists, that the only way I can be distinguished among them is to put forth the time and effort! I've been working my tail off! Now I just have to cross my fingers that I get into the program!

This is bear(if only I could cuddle with him).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This past weekend I was talking to my mom and dad and we realized that they have never met my roommate, Sarah. So i decided to post a picture of her. We are so different, but we have a lot of fun together. This picture was taken this past friday. One of our friends took us was my first time wakeboarding and i got up on my first try. YAY!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sometimes in this college town of Provo, i just miss kids. So what do I do during the football game when all of my friends are watching the game nine rows up from the north end zone. I sit in the nose bleed, and wrestle Luke from throughing my hat off the rail...I loved it! I'm so lucky to have such an awesome family! I honestly feel so lucky to have all these little guys as brothers!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've been so excited to have Joe down here in Provo with me! I've been craving having a sibling live down here for the last two years.
Last saturday Josh had his highschool cross country meet at the BYU track. Joe and I went and then kept Josh in Provo with us until the football game later that night. It's just fun to have someone here that I know will always be my bud!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Joe and I went to WA for ten days to visit Grandma and Grandpa Robinson. It was such a great experience! I'm so glad we got to go. I feel like i know them so much better now. It was great to see Grandpa Carey as well.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm Back!

I know, I know. My last blog hasn't been updated since senior year prom. Well, i decided to start fresh. So here it is...come back soon for my first real post.