Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossing My Fingers

For one of my classes we had to draw a stuffed animal from the inside the Bean Museum here in provo. I loved this project because I'd be drawing and out of the corner of my eye I'd see a pair of shoes. So I'd look up and meet eyes of some wide eyed little kid who would say something like, "Woa, that's cool!" or an admiring Dad who'd ask if he could show his little kid my drawing. One girl asked me how I got so good at drawing. When i told her it just took a lot of practice she got frusterated and mumbled, "Everything takes practice!" It made me realize that ,yeah, if I ever want to get good at anything I have to be willing to put forth the time.
I've been getting my portfolio ready to apply for the art program here at BYU and more than ever i realized, among so many talented artists, that the only way I can be distinguished among them is to put forth the time and effort! I've been working my tail off! Now I just have to cross my fingers that I get into the program!

This is bear(if only I could cuddle with him).

1 comment:

  1. Kels, that is amazing! I took the kids to the Bean museum on Saturday. They thought it was awesome.
