Friday, November 5, 2010

Change in Appearance

Have you ever been sick of your appearance? Just this last week i've just felt a desire to get a haircut or new clothes or something. I just felt sick of myself.I wanted a change. Well I got my wish...
So last night i was sitting in my apt. when my friend stopped by. For the next twenty min he tried to talk me into coming with some people in the ward to play broomstick hockey at seven peaks. Apparehently every thursday Seven Peaks lets people play broomstick hockey with shoes, instead of skates, on their ice rink. Well after a lot of unexplanable hesitation i decided to go. We got there and were handed metal sticks with plastic ends shaped like brooms. We started playing and it was hilarious. Everyone was slipping all over the place.
Well i went to go for the ball and the opposing kid decided to whack his stick in an upward motion. The metal part of his stick totally nailed my eye. He stopped and sid, "I am so so sorry, are you OK?" I, trying to keep the peace, replied, "oh you're totally cool. It's fine." so he left and kept playing. I sat there dazed for a minute, then touched the bone above my eye. I COULD FEEL IT GROWING! It was seriously huge! I started laughing super hard. My friends, Christie and Spencer accompanied me off the rink and after filling out some paperwork and cleaning up the blood i was advised to get it checked out by a doc. We went to Insta-care near riverwoods and to my relief the doctor confirmed that i have no internal bleeding or fractures. Count my blessings I guess!

This was taken about 2 hours after it happened. The swelling was about 3 times as big when it first happened. By this time it had gone down a bit.

This was taken at four in the morning when i woke up to discover it wasn't a dream.

This was taken today around noon.

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